Showing posts with label landmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landmark. Show all posts

Monday, December 01, 2014


The Elena premiere,after the screening. It's Q & A time with director Peta Costa, & Actor/Executive Producer of the film Tim Robbins.

Data Hard: How much,will these two films end up costing...

Note: Robbins is going to fund Costa's next movie, an small action/adventure drama.

The blond lady host,asks for clarification- as to whom I'm referring.I said the Producer of the film.
Robbins looks shocked,that I even asked the question.

Peta Costa (politely): It cost $500,000.

An audible shock comes from the crowd.

Tim Robbins (an arresting smirk): That's NOT really a lot of money.

Costa and the host -nod in agreement.

Robbins (eyeing me with a bit of anger,keeps smirk): If that's what you're referring to.

I politely smile back at Robbins, and look to Costa who continues her answer.

Robbins (faux anger): Just ignore me, when the pretty one starts talking to you,huh?

A few laughs breaks out,as Costa finishes her statement and I thank her for her lengthy answer.

Afterwards, whenever I try to ask another question,the host looks at Robbins- he just worriedly shook his head No.
