Showing posts with label Kevin hart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kevin hart. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013


A recent episode of Real Husbands Of Hollywood, is entitled Riding in Cars with Boys. At the end of the show, The America's Got Talent host ,refereed to allegedly gay contortionist as a "faggot in a box" and laughed deliriously.

All I was trying to do was walk across the street to the Pasadena Gold line station, in late March 2013. The alleged Wankster dressed (all in black, down to his trademark- backward child like cap) was walking from behind some signs near the entrance, walking with someone looks like Kevin Hart, who would be a silent enabler of his friend.

The monomaniac loudmouth, then takes one look at me (dressed from security work garb) and launched into a tirade of quick gay jokes, as it has been already decided, by his ignorant ass. I just stare- at the intolerant liars. 

Then, he jumps in my face and threatened to  hit me (or kiss, he chose to be so close),if I did anything. As he turned away, he attempted to flinch me. When  he turned away, I hit him with pepper spray.

I tried to get down some stairs and he tried to push me down them. I had to threatened to mace him again, and walked back up. He claimed "You WON'T do THAT again, fag!" and of course I did. I told him that I WASN'T GAY and that he was bigot. This impressed the allegedly smiling Hart, who was impressed that I rhymed of the Full F word. 

Cannon then tried to call me fat repeatedly, in place of the f word. He then, dared me to mace him ,so I did. I tried to run down a ramp in front of the signs, where the extremists emerged. Somehow, Cannon got in front of me and forced a fist-fight. 

I tried to use my coat as a distraction, to get by the homophobic punk. He caught it and begins whipping it at me. I try to karate kick him and barely missed. This enrages the All That bastard, who stomps my Nikes (The Boondocks' Riley Freeman was right!) My right ankle and foot collapses in massive pain.

Cannon throws my jacket over my head and says "Is that what you trying to do?!" and pushed me down to the ground. Then, he kicks me in the middle of my back and the back of the head.
Luckily, Cannon hits like a bitch, so they almost didn't hurt. The thickness of my jacket, might saved me from severe damage.

Still, I couldn't get up and then Cannon starts jumping in air -like a prize fighter- claiming "I won!" He ran off happy  and both leave the scene. On pure adrenaline, I get  up and chase Cannon down the street, catch up and start pepper spraying him again.

Hart starts laughing again- I was so angry that I shot pepper spray at him, but it fails to go off.
Hart then claims that "Nick, He's out! (of spray)."

Cannon stops running and tries to fight me again. Then, I take the spray bottle and place into my huge right hand for leverage and wait. After quite a few seconds, Cannon face turns from anger to confusion and runs claiming "I ALREADY BEAT YOU!"

I briskly walk (in noticeable pain) to collect my jacket, back at the station. Then, I notice he's trying to make his way ,back down toward me. I finally call the cops, with my cell phone & three police cars arrive in  seconds of the my call.

The cops catch Cannon and we each try to have  the other arrested. Cannon & Hart start yelling that
"I blew it," like this whole thing was a job offer or something.

Ranking Officer Paul Lee tells me, that it was mutual combat and we would both have to be arrested to file a police report, even though I was the only one hurt and did NOT initiate this entire scenario. 

Cannon hears this and immediately drops his charges. He leaves with Hart. I start to realize my foot is in such pain, I can't stand without leaning on the wall and a ambulance takes me to the hospital. Since that night, I haven't been able to walk properly without a crutch and I'll need surgery once the bones finally heal.  
